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The throneroom worship at the Glory Zone is like no other under Heaven. 


It is an Embassy/Consulate gathering of Diplomats who come together to hear from our King, better understand His perfect will for our lives, and live under an open heaven to legislate the King's culture over the affairs of the earth.


Our Praise and Worship beguns as natural as breathing.   As ambassadors of Heaven we live in worship as a life style and as an act of obedience to our King.  Heaven is looking for worshippers.  Therefore, utilizing every gift given to mankind, we present our hearts to God understanding that Daddy does not "See or Hear" our gifts, but instead, our gifts transform into a fragrance which God inhales as a sweet smelling aroma in his nostrils.

Living in the Zone of His Glory through worship guarantees every believer that we fulfill the original intent of the church of giving the world a supernatural encounter with God.


In the Zone, the believer will restore and operate in divine authority and dominion over the affairs of the earth realm. 


The Glory Zone produces

Atmospheric Shifts

Supernatural Divine health

Deliverance and Prosperity

Success and Honor

Greatness and Empowerment

Direction and Destiny

Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit

Like Michael Jordan or Stephen Curry on the basketball court, when a believer enters the Zone, the Glory brings integrity to our lives, maximizes potential, activates the fruit of the spirit, delivers us from social impediments, breaks generational curses, heals congenital diseases, liberates us from economic depression, rids us from economic oppression, gives us character, refines our personalities, and causes a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, all while bringing stability, order, structure, and a sense of meaning and purpose to our lives.


Come Join Us In The Zone


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