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The Tenets of Our Faith


God is Sovereign:

“God is in control” remains true regardless

of the circumstances we experience.


The Kingdom of God:

God’s sovereign rule over all creation;

the universe, the heavens, and the Earth.

The Kingdom of Heaven: 

God’s sovereign rule on Earth through Mankind;

Giving us complete dominion and authority to govern,

rule and reign over the affairs of the Earth.


The Bible is our Constitution: 

God’s word is not a religious book,

but the legal document of Heaven (Our Country). 

It is "Absolute Truth" and it outlines the rights,
privileges, and support given to every believer.

God’s Word Transforms:

The goal of Scripture is to bring humanity

into relationship with God and transform

our hearts, minds, and actions into His likeness.


God Still Speaks:

The revealed will of God is in His Word.

The unrevealed will of God is released to us through His Spirit,

the Office of a Prophet, and through the utterance of prophetic voices.


The Plan of God:

The King’s plan was to extend His heavenly

Kingdom on Earth and share rulership in

His Kingdom with us His Children.


Jesus The Christ:

As the only begotten Son,

He was sent to fulfill God’s plan of redemption

and restore man back to the position of

dominion and authority over the affairs on earth.


Apostolic Anointing:

God has release Apostles to bring Kingdom

insight, direction, and strategies to aid His children

to become visionaries and transform regions

for the advancement of Heaven on Earth.


Salvation Creates Identity:

We are simultaneously Servants, Children,

and Trusted Royalty (Kings & Queens) of our Lord.


Supernatural 5 Fold Ministry:

We exist to give the world an encounter

with God through the ministry gifts.


Christ-Style Life Focused On His Presence:

We focus on His presence

because we have discovered He is focused on us.


Wealth is God’s Will For His Children: 

Jesus became poor so that

through His poverty, we might be made rich.


Diplomatic Status For Every Believer:

The Bible is about a King, His Kingdom, and us His Children.

We are the ecclesia sent from Heaven as diplomats living

on earth to represent (re-present) our King’s interest.


Kingship and Priesthood for Every Believer:

The believer is called to overcome at all times by royal decree

and legislative change to every environment and atmosphere.

The Church Is An Embassy:

The weekly gathering of ambassadors (believers)

makes the church a legislative body

authorized to infiltrate, impact territories and implement

the foreign policies of Heaven’s government.


God’s Plan For Family Creation through Marriage:

A man and a woman are first to become Husband

and Wife and then produce life.


Intentional Evangelism: 

We are adopted into God’s family, so we intentionally

pursue families and communities with

the love of Christ to build a biblically healthy region.

We Are The Answer:

Living in every believer is the answer to every problem.

Problems come to us (the answer) in order for us to SAM:

Using Kingdom insight to (SAM)

Solve problems, Address issues, and Meet needs.


Plurality of Godly Leaders:

Developing ambassadors who are totally

submitted to the voice of God, and who fully embraced

the mindset of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Multicultural Embassy:

Bringing together people of every tongue
to declare that Jesus Christ is Lord

to the glory of God our Father.


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