Our declaration over you is that the God, of all grace, anoints you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit impregnates you with the Sperm of God (His Word) as you read and hear it. May He empower you to effectively communicate vibrant hope to the hopeless as He teaches us to live a life of expectation, which is the breeding ground for miracles.
Furthermore, we decree that your home be a reflection of Daddy's joy, peace, and the abundant life promised to all of His children who follow Him. We bless your children, the fruit of your body. We speak life into your marriage, your ministry, and your mission.
As you lie down at night, we legislate more than just sleep. We legislate Rest. Rest in Him and arise refreshed for we need you. Your prayers, your support, and your love are important to us. This is our legislation for you, knowing we live to serve One King, we carry His One Glory, and we all exist for His One Purpose: #1KGP!
We Love You, And There is Nothing You Can Do About it!
Jarred & Marsha