Our Kingdom Core Values
Open Heaven: We live under an open Heaven for the advancement of Heaven on Earth
Sanctification: Christ-Style life of holiness & sacrifice
Agape Love: God’s Love characterized by forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration
Supernatural Intercession: Not only praying, but spiritually taking someone’s place
Eldership: A plurality of Godly leaders
Worship: As a life-style and an act of obedience
Intentional Evangelism & Discipleship: CPA (Community Penetration & Assimilation)
Intimate Fellowship: An intense, high-level devotion to the family structure & PYD: (Positive Youth Development)
Kingdom Technologies: A dynamic willingness to change, innovate & (SAM) Solve problems, Address issues,
and Meet needs
Kingdom Hope: God is our Strength for today and our great Hope for tomorrow
Kingdom Dominion Faith: Maturing believers from just a “Faith in God” to operating with
the “Faith of God” or the creator almighty DNA faith
Acceptance of Everybody: We must first catch a fish, before we can scale it Acceptance is not approval