As an Ambassador of Heaven, We legislate that 2024 is our year of
Word Activation: Position, Presence, Power & Purpose. In accordance to
Article Matthew Section 28, Subsection 18
All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. As heirs and Joint heirs this power has been transferred to us to fulfill the great commission of discipling Nations.
This power enables us to live and function in the
realms of the spirit to advance the government of Heaven into
all of the Earth.
You are given dominion, authority, and power to
Help humanity Understand Daddy's perfect Will for our lives
Actualize Our Calling and Maximize Our Potential
by utilizing our gifts and talents,
Fulfill our Purpose and Destiny of being Priest & King
Underwrite the Kingdom for Heaven.
God is living through Us,
and gives us a transfer of his Power!
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Every Morning for "Morning Glory @ 7am EST
Monday Mornings @ 6am EST on ClubHouse
for "Intercession and Legistlation" On Clubhouse
Remember, Life has been ordained to be lived in the
Zone of His Glory!